Friday afternoon saw CRL Scotland hold their annual T.A.D (Take a Day) Friday at the iconic Falkirk Wheel.
This event was attended by 55 operatives and staff and was a great afternoon in stunning surroundings. The weather even put on a great show with bright winter sunshine all day.
This event is a great chance for employees and staff to get together, discuss the current situation in the region and have a bite to eat and a chat.
With an ever-increasing number of employees this opportunity for two-way consultation between workforce and staff is a fantastic use of everyone’s valuable time and this alone makes this day well worthwhile.
The event started with a great finger buffet lunch with a big pot of soup provided by the Scottish Canals caterers and was followed by an informal session in the “Wheelroom” where various topics were presented by the CRL senior management team. The event concluded with a lively question and answer session, and everyone then went off to enjoy their weekend.
A big thanks to all those who made the effort to attend, and we will look forward to seeing you all at next year’s event (who knows where)