The Repair & Rehabilitation of Concrete Water Industry Assets
Concrete has and always will be used as a construction medium/material in the water industry. Tanks & storage vessels built from concrete play a major part in the process to treat our waste water, as well as store and treat the clean water that eventually comes out from our taps. Because these assets used for these functions are generally made from concrete or steel, they lend themselves to being refurbished rather than being demolished and new ones being built. So, how do we go about refurbishing these structures?
The presentation, 'The Repair and Rehabilitation of Concrete Water Industry Assets' will cover details of investigations & condition surveys of water utility assets, typical problems encountered on structures in the water industry, advice on the different aspects of concrete repairs, what corrosion prevention is and why & where it can be used in the water industry and the benefits of protective coatings. The presentation will also look at some typical repair projects carried out by CRL on water industry assets, both in the clean and dirty water sectors, why the repairs were necessary and whether the works carried out were successful in preventing future deterioration of the structures.