Maintaining Australia's road network ...
Highway structures (bridges, culverts & tunnels) have been designed and built since people started moving goods around on some sort of mechanical device. Over the years, the shape, size and complexity of these structures have changed, and with these changes and the increased traffic flow over them, comes the increased need to maintain them. This is borne out by the recent bridge collapses, and the large repair schemes that are taking place around the world on our highway structures today.
All concrete highway structures suffer from deterioration to some degree primarily due to corrosion of the steel reinforcement and water ingress. This mechanism of deterioration is further compounded where bridges are exposed to marine environments. Chloride ions from the marine exposure can penetrate the concrete and eventually, when the ion concentration is high at the steel reinforcement, it will initiate steel reinforcement corrosion. The problems found on these structures need to identified early and dealt with to ensure that the structure is not only structurally sound, but will last at least to the intended design life.
CRL, with over 65 years’ experience and a long record of successful innovation in the repair and rehabilitation of highway structures can provide a comprehensive service for the inspection, repair and strengthening of these assets using the latest materials and techniques. We ensure that we provide successful cost-effective engineering solutions to repair and enhance the durability of bridges, culverts and tunnels by taking part in ‘Early Contractor Involvement’(ECI) and by ensuring that there is a collaborative approach to the works at all times.
For concrete structures defective areas of concrete are identfied and repaired, the durability enhanced using corrosion control techniques such as cathodic protection and the structure strengthened where needed using carbon fibre reinforced polymer (CFRP) composites.
We can also prepare and install waterproof deck membranes using the liquid applied matacryl system which provides a fully bonded seamless membrane. Over the Christmas period in 2020 we prepared the deck and applied 2740m2 of the 3 coat matacryl system on the West Gate Bridge in Melbourne with 70 operatives over a 72 hour period.
Masonry bridges and tunnels can be strengthened using embedded stainless steel anchors and waterproofed by resin grouting and the installation of liners. We are approved installers for the Cintec Anchor System in Australia.
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“All, I just wanted to drop you a quick note to say thanks and very well done in delivering the works at Helsby in such good time. We knew we wanted to take advantage of the reduced traffic levels recently, and you have pulled together to deliver the scheme in record time – well done! I visited the site recently and was really pleased to see the quality of the work being done, and the measures put in place to deliver the work safely, including of course all the necessary social distancing arrangements.Thanks very much, and well done again.”
Alan Shepherd | Divisional Director | Highways England (M56 Helsby Viaduct)