Multi-storey Car Park Refurbishment
Green Street MSCP in St Helier was refurbished in 2019 which involved concrete repairs, installation of a corrosion prevention system, removal of the existing membranes and laying of new Triflex PMMA decking and lining throughout, with new movement joints installed on the roof. The car park was decorated throughout with new LED lighting. Structural alterations saw the introduction of new bearings.
The refurbishment of Green Street multi-storey car park was undertaken as part of an ongoing maintenance programme carried out for the Government of Jersey and was funded by revenue generated from user parking charges. The main activities carried out on this project from Ground to Level 5 were as follows;
- concrete delamination surveys,
- pressure washing (to remove existing coatings),
- extensive concrete repairs to decks, soffits, columns and walls,
- application of an anti-carbonation coating to all concrete surfaces,
- deck joint sealant replacement,
- application of anti-slip waterproof deck coatings,
- application of line markings and information symbols,
- replacement of the existing cathodic protection system with a new innovative impregnation waterproof solution,
- back propping and new bearing installations, and
- upgrading of the lighting system to LED.
Following the surface preparation process to decks and the water blasting of perimeter parapets and walls, the hydrogel treatment and the MCI’s were applied to all concrete decks, internal and external parapets and walls.
All the concrete decks were prepared by planing and enclosed captive shot blasting surface preparation to remove the existing coatings and prepare the concrete decks for the new anti-slip waterproof coatings. This was followed by the application of a heavy-duty, rapid curing, Triflex PMMA waterproofing decking system incorporating a quartz anti-slip finish.
Structural works included a number of beams being propped back to the ground floor to allow the release and separation of sections of the structure. New bearings were introduced to newly formed corbels to allow the structure at the movement joint to move freely.

“By working closely with CRL with open communication and an equal ambition to deliver a great project, we were able to overcome issues in a timely and cost-effective manner. This enabled the project to finish on programme, despite much larger areas of repair being required’
Ross Fearnley | Project Manager | Government of Jersey